Aug 17, 2007

Miniature Humans

So my sister Alicia had a baby girl a few months ago. She was living in North Carolina when she had her so I've never had the opportunity to meet the little thing. Her and her husband just moved to California about 3 weeks ago and she just so happens to be visiting in Washington for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow, I'm gonna be hanging out with it. I'm not gonna lie you to you... Babies kinda freak me out. there's something about them being all small and fragile. They cry if you look at them wrong, they'll barf on you & drool on you if they so desire. They just do what they want. It's just kinda weird. I think the thing that wierds me out the most is hold a baby. I've never really known exactly how to do it... every time a friend of mine has done the "old baby hand off" to me I'm left there with this wiggling little creature all paranoid that something crazy is about to happen. This is what goes on in my head:

Oh here we go again...
Yep I'm hold a baby.
This is awkward.
Am I holding it right?
This has got to be uncomfortable for this thing.
This is uncomfortable for me.
What if I drop it? Yikes.
I'm weirded out.
What if someone sees me all weirded out about holding this thing?
What if someone sees me all weirded out about holding this thing and then I drop it?
Alright this seems to be working.
I'm cool.
Just hanging out.
Me and the baby.
We're like friends.
Why is the baby starting to cry?
Why won't this baby stop cring?
Will someone please take this baby away from me!

So.. I'm gonna have to get over this whole babies are weird thing one day so I decide that tomorrow will be the day. I will learn how to hold a baby and be comfortable doing it.


Anonymous said...

You are soo awesome! I love you!

Thanks for overcoming your awkwardness. OH and P.S- the feeling of being scared your going to drop the baby....yeah I still get that. I think everyone still gets that once in a while.

Your normal. :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Billybutch

Grandma has told me about you being a little wierd about holding me. I just want you to know that I had a great time yesturday at my 6 month birthday and you did a awesome job of holding me. (slobber, slobber) Sorry I am loosing liquid from my mouth - I am not sure how to keep this stuff in my mouth sometimes. I am starting to teeth so that makes it even worse. Thank you for the awesomely cute outfits. I can't wait to wear them. I want to let you know that we make a cute pair. You look really great with me by your side. Just think uncle you will one day have a little wiggley thing just like me. You better come over again before I leave so you can get some more practice :) I promise I won't barf on you but I can't promise I won't slobber, slobber but I will try my hardest to keep that stuff in my mouth. I am not very old but I was thinking that I have a awesome aunt and uncle. (Rachel does a great job with me and she is soooo like cool.) I want you to know that when I get older I will be the best I can be. Grandma already started telling me that anything is possible in life - I could be the president of the USA one day, imagine that uncle. I love you Uncle. I love you Auntee. Oh, yeah grandma told me to tell you thank you for the ice cream, yum yum slobber, slobber it made my gums feel better. Don't tell anyone that grandma let me have a couple licks, she use to do that with you. :)

Love you both

Kaydence Andrea Mae Fiege (Can I get rid of this last name?)