Sep 7, 2007

It's a Deep Burn...

I've been working out this week in the mornings at 5:30. It's feels good, I usually get to work and think to myself, dang.. I've already done a lot this morning. I've had the hardest time getting consistent with working out in the past, it seems like everytime I would get on a rythm something would happen that would cause me to get off. I had a shoulder injury in the winter that has been the biggest deterant, I got all sick for a while and then had like 2 migranes a week, then I ended up with a crazy work schedule for the past few months. I've made the decision though that I'm not gonna let anything get in the way of me this time. My shoulder isn't feeling good these days and I probably should go see a doctor but I just don't want to deal with it right now. I'm determined to get fit.