Sep 5, 2008

Slurpies and Park

The other day I was talking to a neighbor-friend of mine and he was drinking a Slurpee from 7 Eleven and I was able to get a taste of it's greatness. As my taste buds exploded with joy I thought to myself, I need to get more of this goodness in me! I told Rachel that we were gonna get Slurpee's and go to the park. After heading up the street to 7 Eleven and creating a concoction of frothy goodness that your taste buds would leap out of your mouth for we took a journey over to Bradley Lake Park. We found some parking and good spot to drink our Slurpee's and eat our hot dogs. Soon we realized that we were cold and packed up our stuff and headed out. We made a brief stop by the swings and I got some great pics of Rachel on the "toddler swing" (We were told by a 4 year old on the regular swings that she was on the toddler swing).

Slurpee + Swing = Joy

Lost shoe!

7 Eleven Slurpee model


Anonymous said...

I do hope one day to be a slurpee model...then my life would be fulfilled!