Dec 19, 2007

10" of freshie

You guys.. I was in powder up to my knees yesterday. It was awesome.

I took the day off of work yesterday to hit Crystal Mt. At the beginning of the season I attended a Warren Miller film in Tacoma and got a bunch of free stuff, one of those being a free lift ticket to Crystal on a Tuesday. The lame thing was that there was only 6 Tuesday that it could be used, 3 in December and 3 in I think March. The past 2 Tuesdays Crystal has hardly had any snow so I've put off going until the last one available in December and thank God I did. I checked the snow report on Monday night and there was 33" at the base but when I checked Tuesday morning it was at 43"! It was beautiful. Besides that fact that it snowed all day while we were up there, the visibility wasn't to good at times and there were 55mph gusts of wind at the very top of the mountain blowing snow in your face like daggers the day was awesome! I went off a ton of jumped and landed more than I didn't land which is a sign that I'm getting better and for the first time I landed a jump with a grab.

I'm back to work today and wishing that I had about 6 more hours of sleep, my body is beat and all I can think about it getting back up there. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to wake up in the morning and go to a job. When I can wake up, look at the snow report, see that there's new snow and decide that it would be a good day to go to the mountain. I don't think that day is to far away, and I'm siked! (now that's a word I've never spelled out before) Our business is grown steadily and financial Independence is closer than ever.

On another note. I wanted to let you all know that I like the way that Ibuprofen tastes. I don't eat it or anything but if you've taken it before I'm sure you can remember the taste that it leaves in your mount after you swallow it. I just took this hurkin 800mg Ibuprofen to get rid of some of this pain I'm feeling from getting up yesterday at the mountain.